Relocation of IT business
to Poland
The country offers a favorable geographical location, attractive tax conditions, access to a highly skilled workforce, and developed infrastructure.

“Relocating your business to Poland” — what is it?
New opportunities for yourself and your business
Relocating your business and employees to Poland offers numerous advantages. The country has a strategic geographical location in the heart of Europe, facilitating access to key markets. Poland boasts low tax rates and government support programs for investors.

A high level of education and workforce qualification ensures access to talented employees, while lower labor and living costs help reduce operational expenses. A stable political and economic environment, along with well-developed infrastructure, makes Poland an attractive destination for business.

Apply for relocation

Who We Work With


We will assist with relocation, taking into account all your individual needs.


Planning to move with several colleagues? We will make the relocation as comfortable as possible.


Even if your staff includes over 200 people, we will prepare everything necessary to ensure each one of them is satisfied.



We will ensure a smooth relocation process so you can focus on growing your business.
Our Workflow
Let's start with a free consultation, where you can get all the necessary information about relocating your business or employees and ask any questions.
Document Preparation
We will prepare the registration documents.
Contract Signing and Payment
We will open a bank account and organize accounting services.
We will sign employment contracts or set up a sole proprietorship (JDG).
Legalization of all employees
We will handle the further legalization of the stay for all company employees.
Support in Poland
Upon arrival in Poland, our team will be ready to provide you with all the necessary "turnkey" support for a comfortable stay and work.
Frequently Asked Questions
Feel free to write or call us!
We will answer all your questions.
Kuźnicza 10/3 piętro, 50-529 Wrocław, Польша
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Więcej o RODO w Polityce Prywatności.
Biznes Expert sp. z o.o. NIP: 9671458021
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